File Permissions and Access Control Lists

Day 6 of #90DaysOfDevOps Challenge

File Permissions and Access Control Lists


Imagine your computer's files as a bustling city, each file playing a unique role, and you, the ruler, deciding who gets access to different areas. Welcome to the world of Linux file permissions! In this comprehensive guide, we'll break down the complexities of file permissions, why they matter for your system's security, how to check them, and best practices to ensure your digital kingdom remains safeguarded. So grab your virtual map, and let's navigate through the lanes of file security!

1. What are Linux File Permissions? Linux file permissions act like gatekeepers, determining who can read, write, or execute specific files. They comprise three categories: the owner (you), the group (trusted companions), and others (everyone else). Check out this user-friendly diagram:

Here's a table to help you understand the roles and their permissions:

1strRead permission
2ndwWrite permission
3rdxExecute permission

2. Why File Security Matters on Linux Systems? File security is crucial for keeping your digital assets safe from prying eyes and malicious attacks. Linux systems rely on robust file permissions to prevent unauthorized access, ensuring that only those with the right keys (permissions) can enter specific areas. By securing your files, you shield sensitive data and maintain control over your digital realm.

3. How to Check Linux File Permissions? Understanding file permissions is like solving a puzzle. Each position in the permission code corresponds to a specific value: r (4), w (2), and x (1). By adding these values, you create a numeric code that represents the permission settings.

For instance, if the permission code is 764, break it down:

  • 7 = 4 (read) + 2 (write) + 1 (execute) [Owner]

  • 6 = 4 (read) + 2 (write) [Group]

  • 4 = 4 (read) [Others]

4. What are the Best Practices for Securing Files on Linux? To fortify your file security, follow these best practices:

  • Limit permissions: Assign minimal permissions required for users or groups.

  • Regular audits: Periodically review and update file permissions.

  • Use groups: Leverage groups to manage access for multiple users.

  • Principle of least privilege: Grant permissions only as needed to perform tasks.

  • Secure directories: Set proper permissions for directories to prevent unauthorized access.

5. Exploring Advanced File Control: Access Control Lists (ACL) Access Control Lists (ACL) are like personalized VIP passes for files. Try these commands:

  • To see ACL in action: getfacl filename

  • To set custom ACLs: setfacl -m u:user:rw filename


With this comprehensive guide, you've mastered the art of Linux file permissions. You've learned how to protect your digital assets, checked permissions using numeric codes, and even delved into the realm of Access Control Lists (ACL). By following best practices, you'll safeguard your files like a seasoned Linux pro. So go forth, fortify your digital kingdom, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your files are secure. Happy computing!